Open House 10:30-noon What would you like to get involved with in the League this year? This is your chance to talk to various committees about what they do and share ideas you may have. New members are especially welcome and all members are encouraged to bring friends who may be interested in joining the League. Learn about what we do:
voter services
Candidate forums
birthday cards to 18-year olds
outreach to New Americans
state legislative advocacy
Noon: Lunch! Registration is requested so that we can plan food.
State Advocacy Decisions 12:30-2:30 LWVNYS wants our opinion on two proposed positions this year, one about voting machines, the other about Ranked Choice Voting combined with nonpartisan primaries. These positions will be available in advance for all to ready and study. At this meeting we'll discuss them and decide whether our League is in favor of them.
Please take the time to read the proposed positions in advance.
We are also requested to advise the state League what our highest priorities are for this legislative session, so we'll spend a little time working on that too. more info...
If you've never attended book club before and would like to join us on zoom, send an email to and we'll send you a link. more info...