Is It Time for Rent Stabilization in Rochester?
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description

Is It Time for Rent Stabilization in Rochester?
The state of New York enables cities to opt-in to a rent stabilization process that limits rent increases. We will hear from members of the City-Wide Tenants Union and learn:

  • How fast have rents been rising?
  • What are local vacancy rates?
  • How are renters impacted?
  • How does the process of opting-in to rent stabilization work? 
  • What housing units would be affected?
  • How does the process of rent stabilization work after implementation? 
  • Would rent-stabilization discourage investment in housing in Rochester?

The city council will be asked to vote soon on whether to opt-in, so the issue is timely. RocActs (a coalition of which we are a member) has endorsed it. Join us to learn more about it.

Register Here


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