10:00 AM - 2:30 PM Eastern
Event Description
Starting at 10AM, you’ll be able to stroll among tables and learn about all the things we’re up to and need help with.
  • Voter registration (at neighborhood groups, festivals, etc)
  • Voter registration (at high schools, colleges, etc)
  • Souls to the Polls and other Get Out the Vote activities
  • Voter registration at Naturalization Ceremonies and our new “Meet Your Ballot” program
  • Putting together Vote411 and planning candidate forums
  • Planning educational forums and other leadership roles
  • Lobbying our representatives in Albany
  • Working to increase voting among those who are and/or were incarcerated
  • Building connections between the League and neighborhood groups
  • Working toward a proposal for nonpartisan redistricting in Monroe County
This will be a great opportunity for members to catch up on all the League’s doings, for current and prospective members to learn about us, and to find their best niche(s). Come and bring a friend or invite someone you know who would make a great League member. If you have an idea for someone who would make a good League member but would rather the invitation come from the League, please email your suggestion to

Lunch will be served at noon. Connect with people you met at the open house in the morning or reconnect with members you haven't seen for a while.

At 12:30, we’ll introduce League in Action, a phone app that LWVUS provides to us. The deadline for voters to choose a party and be able to vote in primaries in 2024 will be a few days away (Feb. 14). There will be lots of primaries this year: presidential, congressional, assembly and senate! We’ll use the League in Action app to send texts from our phones to people in our own contact lists to remind them to pick (or change) a party and give them info on what that means and how to do it. In a few moments, you can reach a lot of people.

At 1PM, we'll turn to program planning. In League terms, choosing our priorities for educational and lobbying work is called program planning. The LWV is a grass-roots organization where work at every level is driven by the local Leagues. This meeting is the chance for our members to give our feedback to the national board as they make plans for the coming biennial (2024-2026). What issues are close to your heart? 

Need a Ride?
We're holding our mini-retreat at Third Presbyterian Church, which is on a bus line. If you'd like a ride to the event, please send an email to and we'll have a member pick you up.
3rd Presbyterian Church
4 Meigs Street
Rochester, NY 14607

click here for Google Maps

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